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PostgreSQL vs. MySQL: Which SQL Platform Should You Use?

Administration / 5 Dec, 2022

MySQL and PostgreSQL are both leading database technologies built on a foundation of SQL: Structured Query Language. SQL forms the basis of how to create, access, update, and otherwise interact with data stored in a relational database. While MySQL has been the most popular platform for many years, PostgreSQL is another major contender. Many database administrators and developers will know both technologies, which are much more similar than they are different. You can learn more about the history of SQL and how the various “flavors” came to be by watching this brief video: Depending on what you’re trying to create, the data you’re trying to manage, and your own background as a programmer or analyst, you may find one language preferable over the other. But in terms of popularity and marketability, both are widely used, with MySQL maintaining the advantage here. Compared to PostgreSQL, MySQL has the largest market share and, therefore, the most job opportunities. Here’s what you need to know about MySQL vs. PostgreSQL — the differences, benefits, and disadvantages — as well as some basic information about SQL and database platforms.

Example 1: Database type and SQL compliance Show how PostgreSQL and MySQL have different database types and SQL compliance levels and how they affect the way you store and query data. For instance, PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS), which means it supports both relational and non-relational data types MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS), which means it only supports relational data types PostgreSQL is also more SQL compliant than MySQL, which means it follows the SQL standard more closely and supports more features

•  Example 2: Performance and scalability Show how PostgreSQL and MySQL have different performance and scalability characteristics and how they suit different types of applications. For instance, PostgreSQL is widely used in large systems where read and write speeds are crucial and require execution of complex queries MySQL is widely chosen for web-based projects that require a database simply for data transactions PostgreSQL can perform master-slave replication and other types of implementation can be put into practice using third-party extensions MySQL uses master-master replication and can perform master-slave replication

•  Example 3: Security and community support Show how PostgreSQL and MySQL have different security and community support features and how they affect your development experience. For instance, PostgreSQL offers native SSL support for connections for encryption MySQL has a lot of security features built-in and it is highly secure PostgreSQL has a very strong and active community that works to improve existing features and cement its place as the most advanced database MySQL has a large and loyal user base that offers a lot of resources and tutorials